Comparison Between D1S, D2S, and D4S Xenon HID Headlights

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Cars are prized possessions for many lucky enough to own them, and one increasingly popular upgrade for those possessions is Xenon HID Headlights.

These headlights are some of the most powerful on the market and have three sought-after models—D1S, D2S, and D4S. But which one of these options is the best fit for your car?

Here, we will examine the basics of HID headlights and how you can find the ideal headlight for your vehicle today.

D1S, D2S, and D4S Xenon HID Headlights Basics

Color temperature is the most significant advantage these three basic HID headlight models have over other headlights. The D1S, D2S, and D4S have options for 6000K and 8000K white, a far stronger option for night vision than standard 3000K yellow headlights. In fact, these three HID headlights all offer 30% more brightness than traditional OEM halogen bulbs.

The color and brightness of HID headlights come from xenon gas, a powerful compound found in all HIDs that allows the bulb to burn brighter and last longer than non-xenon bulbs. Specifically, D1S, D2S, or D4S headlights will last five years or 10,000 hours before going out. You can tell when either is due for replacement when their traditional crisp white light develops a pinkish hue.

Another advantage of HID headlights is that they're simple to replace even if they burn out. Installation time for D1S, D2S, and D4S HID headlights takes 30 minutes on average and won't require you to navigate complex wiring.

The biggest drawback of HID headlights is the price. You'll pay more on average for xenon-based light bulbs than standard options since HID's shine brighter and last longer. However, because of those benefits, D1S, D2S, and D4S HID headlights are all worth the cost, as having a bright and reliable headlight will significantly improve your safety on the road.

Similarities and Differences

Now that we've looked at the big picture rundown of Xenon HID headlights, we can shift our attention toward the differences between the specific models. D1S, D2S, and D4S headlights are brighter and more durable than standard OEM halogen bulbs, but minor differences between them will determine which better fits your car.


The specs for D1S, D2S, and D4S headlights are remarkably similar. All three models use 12V circuits, have a 3300lm intensity, and come in wattage options of 35W and 55W. Additionally, all three offer the same color temperature options of 6000K and 8000K.

Because of their similar specs, all three headlights work well in many of the same cars. D1S, D2S, and D4S are all compatible with luxury cars like BMW and Audi, as well as more standard vehicle brands. And unlike the standard light bulbs included in those vehicles, HID headlights are easy to customize and have several factory-made upgrades available for purchase.

There are even more similarities and advantages to HID headlights when shopping with Underground Lighting. For example, our vast selection of D1S, D2S, and D4S includes a two-year warranty. So if your headlights fail for whatever reason, you can replace them with a product that meets your standards.


The most significant difference between these three headlights is the environmental impact. Where D1S and D2S bulbs contain mercury, the D4S is entirely mercury-free, making it an environmentally-friendlier option.

There are also differences in the headlight's size and technology. Regarding size, D1S bulbs are larger than the D2S and D4S. But because of their smaller size, D2S and D4S headlights require an external igniter because their more compact frame can't contain an internal one like the D1S.

Additionally, D4S headlights operate on 42V AC, while D1S and D2S run on 85V AC.

How to Choose the Right One for You

Even with their differences, D1S, D2S, and D4S headlights are all similar, and finding the perfect option for your vehicle will primarily come down to minor preferences. For example, if you're passionate about limiting your environmental impact, D4S is the best choice. Aside from that, the decision will likely come down to which headlight size and technology specifications fit your car better.

But regardless of which HID headlights you want, you'll find the best possible product at Underground Lighting. We offer several sizes and styles of headlights and vehicle accessories that will help keep you safe on the road.

For a wide selection of high-quality HID headlights you won't find anywhere else, look no further than Underground Lighting. Call us today at (718) 701-8433 to learn more about our products.